What To Do If You Suspect You Are Being Followed While Driving.
Imagine, for some reasons, you are going back home very late. As you drive through the streets of Lagos, heading home, you notice this same car has being behind you for almost 20 minutes, even after you exited the major road and entered into streets. Don’t freak out just yet, we are going to learn some tips on what to do if you suspect you are being followed by another vehicle while driving, and how to get home safely.
1.Drive In Circles
This is to confirm you are actually being followed. Take four left or right turns and make sure you drive through the same road again (driving in circles), if the car is still behind you, then you have confirmed you are being followed. Similar rule can be applied if you are on the major/express road .Get off the major road into a street and turn through another street and get back on the same major road you came in from, if the car is still behind you, then its confirmed you are being followed.
WARNING: Before you divert into a street, make sure it’s not a CLOSE, so you don’t get boxed in !
2.Take Note Of The Plate Number Through Your Mirror
I know you would be panicking at this point, but taking note of the plate number and features of the vehicle following you, might come in handy later.
3.Maintain Enough Distance
Since we have established for a fact that you are being followed, its time to switch on survival mode. The first line of action is to maintain enough distance between your car and that which is following you.
Get ready to drive like James Bond, just in case the car increases speed and its turned into a hot pursuit.
4.Drive To A Police Checkpoint Or Station
At this point, going home is like suicide .Just drive to the closest police checkpoint or station and report the incidence and provide information (e.g. plate number and describe the vehicle).Or drive to the front of a military base, if there is one close by and report the incidence.
WARNING: I take God beg you.Please don't speed towards a police / military checkpoint or station. Your speed would be perceived as a potential threat and they might open fire(shoot at you).Please slow down when you are approaching the base or check point
If you drive to a checkpoint, most likely they would be arrested and questioned(since they just behind you) or they might drive away or change course out of fear.
5.Go Home If You Are Sure You Are No Longer Being Followed
You have to be very sure you are not being followed, they might switch vehicles !
6.Go Somewhere Else Far Away From Home
Depending on the way the police handles the issue, you might not need to do this. But we know how our men in black can be sometimes. If for some reasons they dismissed your claim, my brother, my sister, sleep in that station with Olopa ooo. Another option is to drive to a very secure hotel and lodge there , if Oga Olopa refused to help your condition. One more option is to call 112 or 767 and make a report.
Kindly make sure you call home(once you are settled ) and inform your family of your whereabouts so they don’t panic .While you lay low in the hotel, start thinking of which of your village people you offended
7. Drive to the nearest forest and Climb tree.
keep driving till u locate the nearest forest. Then jump out of your car, run into the deepest part of the forest and locate a tall iroko tree... Climb it and remain there for hours u'll be safe..
This is a tested and trusted remedy.
1.Drive In Circles
This is to confirm you are actually being followed. Take four left or right turns and make sure you drive through the same road again (driving in circles), if the car is still behind you, then you have confirmed you are being followed. Similar rule can be applied if you are on the major/express road .Get off the major road into a street and turn through another street and get back on the same major road you came in from, if the car is still behind you, then its confirmed you are being followed.
WARNING: Before you divert into a street, make sure it’s not a CLOSE, so you don’t get boxed in !
2.Take Note Of The Plate Number Through Your Mirror
I know you would be panicking at this point, but taking note of the plate number and features of the vehicle following you, might come in handy later.
3.Maintain Enough Distance
Since we have established for a fact that you are being followed, its time to switch on survival mode. The first line of action is to maintain enough distance between your car and that which is following you.
Get ready to drive like James Bond, just in case the car increases speed and its turned into a hot pursuit.
4.Drive To A Police Checkpoint Or Station
At this point, going home is like suicide .Just drive to the closest police checkpoint or station and report the incidence and provide information (e.g. plate number and describe the vehicle).Or drive to the front of a military base, if there is one close by and report the incidence.
WARNING: I take God beg you.Please don't speed towards a police / military checkpoint or station. Your speed would be perceived as a potential threat and they might open fire(shoot at you).Please slow down when you are approaching the base or check point
If you drive to a checkpoint, most likely they would be arrested and questioned(since they just behind you) or they might drive away or change course out of fear.
5.Go Home If You Are Sure You Are No Longer Being Followed
You have to be very sure you are not being followed, they might switch vehicles !
6.Go Somewhere Else Far Away From Home
Depending on the way the police handles the issue, you might not need to do this. But we know how our men in black can be sometimes. If for some reasons they dismissed your claim, my brother, my sister, sleep in that station with Olopa ooo. Another option is to drive to a very secure hotel and lodge there , if Oga Olopa refused to help your condition. One more option is to call 112 or 767 and make a report.
Kindly make sure you call home(once you are settled ) and inform your family of your whereabouts so they don’t panic .While you lay low in the hotel, start thinking of which of your village people you offended
7. Drive to the nearest forest and Climb tree.
keep driving till u locate the nearest forest. Then jump out of your car, run into the deepest part of the forest and locate a tall iroko tree... Climb it and remain there for hours u'll be safe..
This is a tested and trusted remedy.
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