What To Do If You Suspect You Are Being Followed While Driving.
Imagine, for some reasons, you are going back home very late. As you drive through the streets of Lagos, heading home, you notice this same car has being behind you for almost 20 minutes, even after you exited the major road and entered into streets. Don’t freak out just yet, we are going to learn some tips on what to do if you suspect you are being followed by another vehicle while driving, and how to get home safely. 1.Drive In Circles This is to confirm you are actually being followed. Take four left or right turns and make sure you drive through the same road again (driving in circles), if the car is still behind you, then you have confirmed you are being followed. Similar rule can be applied if you are on the major/express road .Get off the major road into a street and turn through another street and get back on the same major road you came in from, if the car is still behind you, then its confirmed you are being followed. WARNING: Before you divert into a street, make sure ...